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What place should be reserved for personal development?

By: Van-Hung Nguyen Published Nov 14,2021 Last updated Mar 16,2022

For the past year, the health crisis has had a strong impact on the training policy of companies, especially in the classroom. In this context, companies have had to focus on the organisation of widespread teleworking, while training organisations and independent trainers have been forced to adapt by digitalising their educational programmes.

Today, a new organisation is in place and many programmes are available digitally, so what role should employers play in training in 2021? Why should HRDs and training managers consider giving more attention to the personal development of employees?


Definition of social audit

Through the adaptations linked to telework, new essential skills have emerged, both at managerial and operational level. For managers, this will include monitoring, measuring the impact on productivity and maintaining team cohesion, etc. Employees will need to develop their capacity for autonomy and time management. For everyone, it will also be a question of maintaining a balance between private and professional life and managing their time off. The relationship itself is and will be increasingly impacted by the need for more mutual trust, active listening and empathy, i.e. attention to the emotions generated by the crisis and telework as well as to the impact of the working environment on the well-being of each individual.

As a result, soft skills and personal development are more necessary within the company and are seen as a lever for success, professional efficiency and well-being at work.

The benefits of (re)integrating personal development training into the company are manifold for all of us:

  • Provide opportunities for employees to learn about new skill requirements,
  • To feel confident and effective in their duties,
  • Learn how to maintain or renew contact between employees,
  • Strengthen team cohesion and/or the feeling of belonging to a group,
  • Relaunch and maintain the process of evolution and valorisation,
  • Breaking the routine or bad habits of teleworking,
  • Enhancing engagement and well-being,
  • Develop new soft skills to improve efficiency at work,
  • Positively influence team members and create a positive atmosphere,
  • Enriching one’s potential to develop and achieve one’s life goals.

What training courses should be chosen to enable everyone to benefit from these advantages?

Among the most relevant and requested themes, we find most often :

  • Remote management
  • Time management
  • Self-confidence
  • Managing emotions and/or stress
  • Giving constructive and motivating feedback
  • Conflict resolution
  • Increasing motivation at work and giving it meaning
  • Establishing a positive team dynamic
  • The philosophy of success
  • Telework and the right to disconnect, etc.

Any money spent on people and their development is always an investment for the person who employs them. Also, nothing can be learned better than by experience, and this is why it is important to give priority to putting into practice the concepts transmitted during the training. Coaching and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) tools, powerful tools for self-knowledge and development as well as for listening and relating to others, are an integral part of the learning process.

The company’s contribution to the employee’s personal development

In conclusion, we note that technical skills are no longer sufficient and that the trend towards the need for the development of social and personal skills has only become stronger due to a health crisis that forces us to endure the increasing use of technological tools, to the detriment of social interactions between colleagues.

If many tools and books on personal development are available on the market, it is essential to support teleworkers with training that will allow them to be guided by a specialised trainer who will be able to adapt to the participants, interact live with them and follow them in their acclimatisation to this new way of working.

Réf: Quelle place réserver au développement personnel en entreprise en 2021

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